Obesity is a dangerous disease linked to over 60 medical conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, cancers, hypertension, and other serious illnesses. Combined with the health concerns associated with a higher body mass index (BMI), a relatively new study has found that obesity affects brain volume. In this UK-based research study, the team at Biobank examined ~10,000 individuals […]

Talking to a loved one about obesity can be a difficult conversation. Obesity affects nearly 42% of the American adult population, so the chances that you know someone who is suffering from this disease is very high. In most cases, your loved one likely knows they are overweight and are aware of the complications of […]
The gastric bypass diet is very particular, with your bariatric care team having specific protocols for how you need to eat at various stages post-operatively. The gastric sleeve and gastric bypass diets are pretty similar in concept, so feel free to use this as a guide for either surgery. The gastric bypass diet phases consist […]
The gastric bypass, or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, is the oldest and most commonly performed bariatric surgery procedure. It consists of cutting and stapling the stomach to create a smaller pouch while also re-routing the intestines. Gastric bypass surgery helps patients lose weight by restricting the amount of food a patient can consume and creating a malabsorptive […]
An EGD after gastric bypass surgery is required in some cases when the patient is experiencing discomfort or unwanted side effects. Typically, 80% of our patients will have surgery and have no issues at all. Yet, about 20% of patients will have varying degrees of problems. What is an EGD? Almost all bariatric surgeons will […]
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the back-flow of acidic or non-acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is characterized by symptoms, with or without tissue damage, that result from repeated or prolonged exposure of the lining of the esophagus to acidic or non-acidic contents from the stomach. GERD is very common, affecting up […]

The topic of mental health has been swirling since the rise of social media. Whether talking about how to manifest your emotions or let go of things that don’t serve us, we can all agree that mental health is essential to finding fulfillment in life.

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is the most critical component to achieving long-term weight loss success. In this bariatric nutrition guide, learn everything you need to know about bariatric nutrition pre-op and post-op and nutrition basics.

Excess sugar consumption can increase your risk of many health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. In this guide, we give you the tips to reduce your sugar intake and improve your health.