Have you ever felt “hungry” an hour after eating a full meal? Do you often times find yourself munching after dinner just because it “sounds good”? Well, you are not alone! Many of us confuse head hunger with physical hunger, which can lead to weight gain and other health related problems due to the type and amount […]
If you want to lose weight, it is important that you eat lots of high protein foods. Not only is protein satisfying and allows you to feel full for longer periods of time, it also helps you to burn calories while you process the amino acids. Protein is the back bone for any weight loss […]
As a weight loss surgeon, one of the many questions I get from patients about weight loss surgery is “Do I have too many medical problems for surgery?” The answer is NO! Weight loss surgery is meant for patients with multiple, and in most cases severe, medical problems. Most, if not all, problems that we have […]
After any extreme weight loss, including that which results from surgery or even natural methods, weird things can begin happening to the body. You may notice these signs and symptoms immediately following surgery or they may appear several weeks after surgery. Most of the symptoms that follow surgery are temporary and are a result of your […]
Losing weight is a very difficult challenge. Anyone who has tried knows this very well. We were designed to store extra fuel in the form of fat during the good times (feasting) and hold on to fat during the bad times (starvation). Fat in our body is ultimately a way we store extra fuel (carbohydrates) […]
The topic of mental health has been swirling since the rise of social media. Whether talking about how to manifest your emotions or let go of things that don’t serve us, we can all agree that mental health is essential to finding fulfillment in life.
Nutrition after bariatric surgery is the most critical component to achieving long-term weight loss success. In this bariatric nutrition guide, learn everything you need to know about bariatric nutrition pre-op and post-op and nutrition basics.
Excess sugar consumption can increase your risk of many health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. In this guide, we give you the tips to reduce your sugar intake and improve your health.