Self Esteem for the Body
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Whole Body Approach at our Bariatric Programs

You know the importance of talking to yourself with compassion and kindness when it comes to improving your self-esteem. The kinder the self-talk, the greater the self-esteem.

If you are thinking about having weight loss surgery, I first want to say “congratulations”.  The decision to have weight loss surgery is not an easy decision and must not be taken lightly. With that being said, it is a wonderful way to transform your health, and your life when everything else has failed.

Are you a sugar addict or do you love your salty, crunchy chips? We have all experienced a time when we feel like we can’t control our cravings and they just “take over” and the next thing we know is we have cleaned out our entire pantry looking to satisfy the craving. Although this could […]

Quick! You only have 30 minutes to get a good sweat session in before heading to work. What do you do: A) Jump right into your workout or B) take 5 minutes to loosen your joints and get your heart rate up?

I can not stress enough just how important it is to find support after having weight loss surgery. Many studies have proven that physical and emotional support will ultimately help patients become more successful in the long run. Support can come in all forms but regardless of the type or the degree of involvement you would like your […]

There is no way around it. In order to truly live our healthiest lives, we need to address our whole self: our minds, our bodies and our beings (or spirit). In order to improve our self-esteem, we must work on improving our relationships with ourselves. First, we have to deal with the mind and make sure […]

Our Featured Guides
Mental Health Guide

The topic of mental health has been swirling since the rise of social media. Whether talking about how to manifest your emotions or let go of things that don’t serve us, we can all agree that mental health is essential to finding fulfillment in life.

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Complete Guide to Bariatric Nutrition

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is the most critical component to achieving long-term weight loss success. In this bariatric nutrition guide, learn everything you need to know about bariatric nutrition pre-op and post-op and nutrition basics.

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Excess sugar consumption can increase your risk of many health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. In this guide, we give you the tips to reduce your sugar intake and improve your health.

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