Why You Should Train and Not Workout
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why focus on training after Bariatric Surgery

The alarm goes off at 5:15 AM. I drudgingly roll out of bed (after snoozing for 15 minutes) and slip into my workout clothes. As I lace up my sneakers, I think of every excuse not to go to the gym—”I worked out hard yesterday. I am sore. I have a long day at work today. I […]

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers produced by the endocrine system that regulate every function from breathing to eating and reproducing. In certain cases, an individual’s endocrine system will not function correctly, leading to a hormonal imbalance. When the hormones are out of whack, specifically for those weight-regulating hormones, it can make it harder to […]

Within the last decade, we have learned a lot about hormones and their impact on our weight. Hormones are chemical messengers made by endocrine glands (glandular organs) in our body that regulate various processes from how we sleep, grow, reproduce, and metabolize food, to name a few. The most commonly known glandular organs are the […]

Magnesium is an electrolyte that works alongside other electrolytes to help our normal bodily functions occur. This mineral is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body, including every major organ function—especially the heart and brain. 

Live Healthy MD is a lifestyle and wellness brand with a mission to cure the disease of obesity and change lives. Over the last year, we have worked tirelessly to define and fine-tune our brand. And we wanted to share it with you all because we want all of our patients to understand our mission […]

True story: A friend of mine had bariatric surgery. Her husband came to her hospital room the morning after her surgery with a box of donuts. They weren’t for her, of course, but he wanted something to munch on while she was recuperating.

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