Wellness Based Tips to Avoid Regain after Weight Loss Surgery
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How to avoid regaining weight after bariatric surgery

The journey to weight loss surgery is long and requires a lot of effort, possibly even a lot of money, so regaining weight after surgery can feel entirely defeating. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, more than 50 percent of patients will end up regaining a small percentage of their excess body […]

For most people, the 4th of July celebrations involve grilling out, drinking beer, soaking up the sun, and sharing laughs with family and friends. As glorious as this may sound, holidays can lead to anxious feelings for bariatric patients, though, as they are typically surrounded by food.  As we come together to celebrate the red, […]

Prior to having weight loss surgery, you will need to quit tobacco use if you are a smoker. Before and after bariatric surgery, tobacco use can increase your overall surgical risk, affect the healing process, and lead to serious health concerns.   In general, smoking after bariatric surgery has a 30% increased risk of complications. Similarly, […]

If you are considering have weight loss surgery and are currently a smoker, you will have to quit before beginning your journey. Not only does smoking lead to serious health concerns, but tobacco use before and after weight loss surgery can increase your overall surgical risk and healing process.   We all know that smoking is […]

If your insurance does not pay for weight loss surgery, the costs can become worrisome for you and your family. Medical bills are the third largest cause of debt in the United States, aside from divorce lawyer fees and job loss.  With weight loss surgery being an elective procedure, it is easy to decide not […]

A detox can help you feel refreshed, boost your energy, and reset your body as the summer months are upon us. And, luckily, detoxing at home can take many different forms. Here are some easy ways you can remove toxins from your body at home. 

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