I had a Duodenal Switch on October 10, 2018. From the time I can remember, I have always been a heavier-set person. Growing up in Las Vegas with a lower-class family, eating healthy wasn’t a priority, and a lot of the time, the cheapest choice was all we could afford. So early on in life, […]

Growing up, I was always overweight. I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t always the “fat one.” It was so hard to watch my two siblings and cousins play sports and enjoy “normal” childhood activities. I wanted to do those things so very badly, but because of my weight, I was […]
My weight loss story began 7 years ago and I am still on it today. Since my surgery in April of 2012, I have struggled to lose the weight and keep it off. Many people will say that weight loss surgery is the easy way out, but I (along with the rest of the weight […]
All my life I have been on the heavier side. From the time I was a young girl, I would turn to food to deal with my emotions. I would turn to food when I was happy or sad or angry. Food was my comfort and quickly turned into my demon. Over the years, I […]
The first time I remember struggling with my weight, I was probably around nine years old. I remember as I sat in my third-grade classroom, my teacher started to ask for my classmates’ weights for a math problem. As they called out their weights, all averaging about 75 to 80 pounds, my heart pounded. I […]
I began struggling with my weight at the age of 19, shortly after my first pregnancy. Over the next 13 years, I would lose weight only to gain it back again. I tried everything to lose the weight and keep it off—fad diets, weight loss groups, prescription weight loss pills. And nothing ever stuck.
My weight loss story began when I was a young adult. At just 21 years old, I weighed 174 pounds. Then I got married and had three kids which resulted in a lot of weight gain over the next several years. I gained about 100 pounds over a period of 20 years.

The topic of mental health has been swirling since the rise of social media. Whether talking about how to manifest your emotions or let go of things that don’t serve us, we can all agree that mental health is essential to finding fulfillment in life.

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is the most critical component to achieving long-term weight loss success. In this bariatric nutrition guide, learn everything you need to know about bariatric nutrition pre-op and post-op and nutrition basics.

Excess sugar consumption can increase your risk of many health conditions, including diabetes and obesity. In this guide, we give you the tips to reduce your sugar intake and improve your health.